Offices, To Let
Offices, Dunston Business Village, Dunston, Staffordshire, ST18 9FJ.

Property reference:
Offices, Dunston Business Village, Dunston, Staffordshire, ST18 9FJ.
Dunston Business Village is located approximately 2 miles south of jucntion 13 of the M6 motorway occupying a prominent position on the A449 trunk road which links Stafford to Wolverhampton via Penkridge.
Sitting on a 25 acre countryside site Dunston Business Village has been developed to provide a range of high specification office accommodation that is available to let on either a managed or a serviced office basis.
Dunston Business Village currently comprises of restored farm buildings together with recently installed high spec log cabin style buildings.
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Offices, Dunston Business Village
Detailed Specification
- Size: 200 sq ft up to 10,000 sq ft
- Price/ Rent: Rents from £18.50 per sq ft inclusive of service charge plus VAT.
- Accommodation:
All measurements are approximate:
Barn 7 - Office E (EPC B-36)
A ground floor office extending to approx 1,700 sq ft (157 sq m)
Barn 7 - Office C (EPC B-36)
A first floor office extending to approx 1,900 sq ft (176 sq m)
Barn 1 - Office C1 (1) (EPC B-45)
A first floor office extending to approx 1,400 sq ft (130 sq m)
Barn 1 - Office C1 (2) (EPC B-45)
A first floor office extending to approx 1,000 sq ft (92 sq m)
Barn 1 - Office A (EPC B45)
A ground floor office extending to approx 2,600 sq ft (241 sq m)
Car parking
Available on site at a suggested ratio of 1 space to 200 sq ft.
All offices benefit from access to WC, shower and kitchen facilities.
- Planning: We understand all mains services are available.
- Local authority: South Staffordshire District Council Tel: 01902 696000.
- Tenancy: Term to be agreed between the parties.
- Viewing: Strictly by prior appointment with the Agent's Cannock office.
- Energy Performance Certificate (E.P.C.): Energy Performance Certificates are available for all offices. The lowest EPC rating at Dunston Business Village is a B rating.
- V.A.T.: VAT is charged in addition to rents and other outgoings on this site.
- Legal Cost: Each party to bear their own legal costs. The landlord has a standard short form lease, a copy of which can be made available for inspection.
- Terms: Either full repairing and insuring basis or internal repairing and insuring basis depending on the individual office.
- Service Charge: A service charge is levied for the maintenance and upkeep of common areas.
- Rateable Value: To be advised.
- Rates Payable: To be advised.
- Further Information:
Dunston Business Village has a security access system for all offices, air conditioning, computer and data points and automatic light sensors.
In addition the village has its own Bistro and meeting rooms.
Dunston Business Village also offers a full range of optional additional services and technology that can be bolted onto the lease. These services include communications and IT, security and cleaning.
Dunston Business Village can also offer virtual office facilities.
Disclaimer: Messrs. Andrew Dixon & Co. (and their joint agents, where applicable) for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that : (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessors, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (2) Any information contained herein (whether in the text, plans or photographs etc.) is given in good faith but without responsibility and is believed to be correct. Any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (3) No employee of Messrs. Andrew Dixon & Co. has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. (4) Whilst every care has been taken to prepare these particulars, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any errors or misleading descriptions found in order that we may correct them in our records.