Residential Investment/Development Site, For Sale

The Lane House, Top Road, Acton Trussell, Stafford, Staffs, ST17 0RQ.

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Property reference:

The Lane House, Top Road, Acton Trussell, Stafford, Staffs, ST17 0RQ.

Acton Trussell is a dormitory village being located approximately 4 miles south east of Stafford, benefiting from good views over the surrounding farmland. Junction 13 of the M6 motorway is approximately 1.5 miles distant providing good communications linking directly to Birmingham city centre approximately 25 miles south.

The site extends to approximately 1.1 acres (0.445 hectare) and at present there is an existing single residential dwelling positioned in the middle of the plot. The proposed development comprises of the demolition of the existing house to provide 4 detached dwellings being accessed from Top Road via the existing driveway.

Detailed Specification

  • Size: 0
  • Price/ Rent: Offers in the region of £1,100,000 (One Million One Hundred Thousand Pounds).
  • Accommodation:

  • Planning: Interested parties are to make their own enquiries.
  • Local authority: South Staffordshire Council: 01902 696000.
  • Viewing: Strictly by prior appointment with the Agent's Cannock office.
  • Legal Cost: Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs.
  • Terms: Freehold.
  • Further Information:


    Under reference number 17/00703/FUL, planning permission was granted on 27th June 2018 for the demolition of the existing house and development of 4 new detached residential dwellings. Details of the planning  and supporting documents are available on South Staffordshire Council's planning portal which is located at

    Alternatively, copies of the planning permission and designs are available for inspection at the agent's Cannock office. Purchasers are advised to make their own enquiries with the local planning department regarding the detail, any changes, amendments or requirements set out in the current planning permission.


    A successful purchaser will be required  to provide the appropriate information to justify the current Anti-Money Laundering Regulations when Heads of Terms are agreed.

Disclaimer: Messrs. Andrew Dixon & Co. (and their joint agents, where applicable) for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that : (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessors, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (2) Any information contained herein (whether in the text, plans or photographs etc.) is given in good faith but without responsibility and is believed to be correct. Any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (3) No employee of Messrs. Andrew Dixon & Co. has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. (4) Whilst every care has been taken to prepare these particulars, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any errors or misleading descriptions found in order that we may correct them in our records.