Industrial Unit, Sale / To Let (Under offer)

Unit 11 Blackbrook Valley Industrial Estate, Narrowboat Way, Dudley, West Midlands, DY2 0XQ.

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Property reference:

Unit 11 Blackbrook Valley Industrial Estate, Narrowboat Way, Dudley, West Midlands, DY2 0XQ.

The premises are located on the Blackbrook Valley Industrial Industrial Estate which is situated on Narrowboat Way off Peartree Lane in Dudley. Peartree Lane provides access to the A4036 Pedmore Road and also to the A461 Dudley South Bypass and the A459 Cinderbank/Halesowen Road. Access to the motorway network is gained at junction 2 of the M5 motorway approximately 4.5 miles east. Junction 3 of the M5 motorway is approximately 6 miles south east.

The property comprises of a detached industrial unit with two storey offices fronting Narrowboat Way together with a fenced service yard being enclosed with an approx 2m height palisade fence and a gated entrance.

The property has a side loading bay and three electrically operated access doors with a minimum eaves height of approximately 5.2m. The offices have their own tarmacadamed car park with a separate access leading in to a reception and partitioned office accommodation arranged over ground and first floor levels.

Detailed Specification

  • Size: 26,725 sq ft (2,482.9 sq m)
  • Price/ Rent: Sale: £2,450,000 + VAT. Rent: £175,000 pax + VAT
  • Accommodation:

    All measurements are approximate:

    Front Offices  2,551  237.0

    Front Offices  3,680  341.9



    Rear Mezzanine  1,938   180.0
    Side Mezzanine  6,243   580.0

    The total site area to include the property extends to approximately just over 1 acre (0.4 hectares)

  • Planning: We understand all mains services are available.
  • Local authority: Dudley Council Tel: 0300 555 8000.
  • Tenancy: The premises are offered by way of a new 6 year lease term subject to a rent review at the end of the third year.
  • Viewing: Strictly by prior appointment with the Agent's Cannock office.
  • Energy Performance Certificate (E.P.C.): Energy Performance Certificate Rating C-72.
  • E.P.C. Number: 0560-0336-6979-1222-8006
  • V.A.T.: VAT will be charged on the above figures.
  • Legal Cost: Each party to be responsible for their own legal and professional costs.
  • Terms: Full repairing and insuring basis.
  • Service Charge: The landlord will not be charging a service charge.
  • Rateable Value: £100,000 - Valuation Office.
  • Rates Payable: £52,100 - 2023/2024.

Disclaimer: Messrs. Andrew Dixon & Co. (and their joint agents, where applicable) for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that : (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessors, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (2) Any information contained herein (whether in the text, plans or photographs etc.) is given in good faith but without responsibility and is believed to be correct. Any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (3) No employee of Messrs. Andrew Dixon & Co. has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. (4) Whilst every care has been taken to prepare these particulars, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any errors or misleading descriptions found in order that we may correct them in our records.